ESART - Aulas Abertas… VERDE! GREEN Open day! March 20, 2022

Just a nudge for any flutists contemplating applying to ESART — you are invited to a GREEN visiting day, this Sunday, March 20, starting at 15h (3pm).

Let’s save the environment from gasoline emissions, and save us some precious time as well by meeting online; I have a presentation outlining the courses of study and how I structure them at ESART. You will get a feel for the class, the school, and my working methods.

Bring your questions, your doubts, your good cheer—let’s get to know each other, and let me help you prepare for your audition. The session will start with about a half-hour all together, followed by 15-20 minute individual sessions .

YOU MUST SIGN UP to receive the Zoom link. EMAIL:


Study flute among friends at ESART-IPCB (photo pre-Covid!)

Covid-19, one year on…

About one year ago, the world— it seemed—stopped. Since then, it has been something of a battle between the desire to return to what I jokingly refer to as “The Great Before” and the need or desire to move forward into a better “The Great After”.

Against all odds—especially as a performer—I cannot say that this strange year has been entirely a loss. Of course, for the millions who lost their lives or had deaths upend their world, there is nothing but sorrow and compassion, and an obligation to WEAR A MASK and follow other health directives. I do, indeed, like to breathe air without a mask, but the inconvenience is so very little in face of our responsibility to others.

One benefit I sense, in our shuttering/opening/shuttering dance with live events, is the surge of positive energy between performers—never has a mere rehearsal, let alone a performance, felt so special —and the way this energy, like a raging forest fire, jumps the gap from stage to audience.

My fervent hope is that, across this gap, and across this period of “silence”, audiences will feel touched in a new way by the power of live performance!

Nature continues…

Nature continues…