ESART - Aulas Abertas… VERDE! GREEN Open day! March 20, 2022

Just a nudge for any flutists contemplating applying to ESART — you are invited to a GREEN visiting day, this Sunday, March 20, starting at 15h (3pm).

Let’s save the environment from gasoline emissions, and save us some precious time as well by meeting online; I have a presentation outlining the courses of study and how I structure them at ESART. You will get a feel for the class, the school, and my working methods.

Bring your questions, your doubts, your good cheer—let’s get to know each other, and let me help you prepare for your audition. The session will start with about a half-hour all together, followed by 15-20 minute individual sessions .

YOU MUST SIGN UP to receive the Zoom link. EMAIL:


Study flute among friends at ESART-IPCB (photo pre-Covid!)

Covid-19, one year on…

About one year ago, the world— it seemed—stopped. Since then, it has been something of a battle between the desire to return to what I jokingly refer to as “The Great Before” and the need or desire to move forward into a better “The Great After”.

Against all odds—especially as a performer—I cannot say that this strange year has been entirely a loss. Of course, for the millions who lost their lives or had deaths upend their world, there is nothing but sorrow and compassion, and an obligation to WEAR A MASK and follow other health directives. I do, indeed, like to breathe air without a mask, but the inconvenience is so very little in face of our responsibility to others.

One benefit I sense, in our shuttering/opening/shuttering dance with live events, is the surge of positive energy between performers—never has a mere rehearsal, let alone a performance, felt so special —and the way this energy, like a raging forest fire, jumps the gap from stage to audience.

My fervent hope is that, across this gap, and across this period of “silence”, audiences will feel touched in a new way by the power of live performance!

Nature continues…

Nature continues…

A Gold Star for… Young People!

On one of my favorite podcasts, the co-hosts trade turns giving—to themselves or others—”Gold Stars” and “Demerits”, which range from silly things like emptying the dishwasher (Gold Star!) to serious things, like reading your iPhone instead of paying attention to a child (“Demerit”!).

So today, as we near the end of this long and strange school year, I’d like to award a GOLD STAR to the many Young People in my life who are doing exceptional things. It’s easy to say they (not us, no, not us, never!) spend too much time glued to YouTube and so forth, but the evidence is otherwise. These kids are pulling off a lot of serious work, under enormous pressure—from family and societal expectations, academic pressure, a shaky economic outlook, and, of course, a … pandemic.

In my own life, I see this up-close and personal with my 12th grade daughter, working furiously to finish high school well under the oddest conditions, looking forward to college (hoping to not start college on Zoom in her bedroom…), but still finding time to participate in a peaceful protest here in Lisbon last weekend. The word “commitment” comes to mind.

Likewise, the constellation of my students, prospective students, and many other flutists I’ve met briefly in classes, shows me the power of this generation to PERSIST, to keep on working, striving, improving, (while waiting for a live concert like us all), and yet, remaining profoundly humane to each other at the same time. I look forward to being able to greet and hear them IN PERSON before too long.

In the meantime, everyone is “making do” (“desenrascar” in Portuguese, a great word) using Skype, Zoom, and recordings, in spite of the limitations and imperfections involved. A huge thank you to you all, along with the GOLD STAR, for your dedication, effort, and good cheer!

Poster for our 8th and last recital of the year at ESART (a Zoom event, naturally)

Poster for our 8th and last recital of the year at ESART (a Zoom event, naturally)

Tune in to WXXI - Syrinx : XXII and Sieg's "Inside Kampala" - re-broadcast

With concerts suspended due to the Coronavirus, Rochester’s “Live at Hochstein” series is in a holding pattern, Radio WXXI have chosen to re-broadcast concerts from the series at the usual hour, including part of Syrinx : XXII’s concert there in October, 2019.

Between 12 and 1 pm (ET; 17-18h in Lisbon) on Wednesday, April 29, the longest work from our program, Sören Sieg’s “Inside Kampala” will be aired. The piece is in three movements: “Boda-Boda” (which means rickshaw), a wild ride, indeed; “Beautiful”, which lives up to its name; and “Too Hot!”, full of spicy, jazzy moves. “Inside Kampala” was commissioned by Syrinx : XXII (António Carrilho, recorders, Raj Bhimani, piano, and myself on flutes) and was premiered while on tour in India in 2018, at the National Centre for the Performing Arts in Bombay.

Thanks so much to everyone at Radio WXXI in Rochester, and Mona Seghatoleslami, the fantastic host.

The link to Radio "WXXI Rochester and the broadcast is here. Look for the “Classical 91.5” arrow near the upper left corner of the screen. THANKS for listening, and ENJOY!

Mementos from a wonderful tour & performances

Mementos from a wonderful tour & performances

Doriot Anthony Dwyer, in memoriam (1922-2020)

How sad to report that one of the brighs test stars of the flute universe has passed away at age 98—the wonderful and unique Doriot Anthony Dwyer, retired Principal Flute of the Boston Symphony.

I had the great honor and pleasure to work with the inimitable Doriot at Tanglewood many years ago, as well as in a few illuminating private lessons, and a red-carpet-rolled-out visit to the Powell Factory in Boston, where she helped me pick out the flute that, 27 years later, I still love and play.

Aside from my personal connection, she was a force to reckon with, musically and personally. A direct descendant of the American suffragette Susan B. Anthony, she too broke barriers, namely in winning (and holding for 38 years) a Principal position in a major U.S. orchestra. At that time, 1952, there were few women in the top orchestras, and none in a Principal position. Doriot (“DOH-ree-oh”) earned her job after preparing, she told me, “as if it were for a doctoral dissertation”, memorising the entire list and basically blowing away the competition.

As flutist of the B.S.O. she recorded innumerable works in recordings that are now considered recordings of reference. Her style of playing was uniquely vibrant, flexible, expressive and extremely powerful. The last time I heard her perform—the Concerto written for her by Ellen Taafe Zwillich, at an N.F.A. convention in Boston, AFTER her retirement—she walked onstage, last on a program of flute concertos, wearing a bright-pink, floor-length gown (she was actually tiny), planted her feet firmly, and…projected the hugest sound I ever heard into the entire hall. 

(Do you even have to ask? Yes, she was a Powell Artist—performing on a Custom Platinum Powell.) What a woman, what a flutist, what a musician!

Indeed, her comment to a journalist after retiring from the B.S.O. was “now that I’m retired, I finally have time to practice!” And to record chamber music and concerto CDs, and to continue teaching.

She was fierce, in the best possible way, and she will be missed, but always remembered. Thank you, Doriot, for breaking through an important glass ceiling, and for all the artistry of your playing, for so many, many years. Now, finally, dear Doriot, rest in peace.

The young Doriot Anthony; photo courtesy of the Boston Symphony Orchestra

The young Doriot Anthony; photo courtesy of the Boston Symphony Orchestra

Recording for a pop album! (Who, me?)

Back in October, I got a chance to do something “out of the box”, at least for me: record some flute-y bits for a pop music song, with Edgar Pinto—aka “Eddie”. He has an amazing studio kitted out, and we had a blast doing the session.

I felt like I returned to my Los Angeles roots—hey, I was born in STUDIO CITY, can you believe that? Probably the flute I used also did, since it’s the same (Powell) as what you will often hear on movies and TV sound tracks—that haunting alto flute sound.

This Thursday around 9am, the “Tempo” will be officially launched via SIC TV station, so check it out! The vibe is totally Brazilian and the perfect way to smooth yourself into a new day!

Here’s a composite photo from the session—can’t wait for the next one! Thanks, Eddie, and great song!

Composite photos by Eddie for his new song, “Tempo” - launch is Thursday, Jan. 30th on SIC TV

Composite photos by Eddie for his new song, “Tempo” - launch is Thursday, Jan. 30th on SIC TV