Wow, 2020! While I was busy doing X, Y, and Z, 2019 flew by, and BAM! here we are in a new decade!
There’s lots to recall but first off, a list of my upcoming activities, i.e., where I can be found in the near future:
January 31 and February 1st (Friday and Saturday afternoons) - I’ll have the privilege to give a master class and recital (Sat., 6:30pm, Cenjor 2) with flute students from the Lisbon National Conservatory—the Escola Artística de Música do Conservatório Nacional de Lisboa. The theme is how to prepare for auditions, exams and other important moments, and I look forward to sharing my experience with students from the Conservatory and other schools or teachers. The class is open to outside students, as well.
There will also be an exhibit of Powell Flutes, and some chamber music to play together! My heartfelt thanks to Professor Pérola Martins for the invitation and loads of help setting it all up!
Slightly further ahead, the weekend of February 8 and 9, I’ll be teaching a master class at the Palmela Conservatory, focussing on practice habits (i.e., how to do the most good work in the shortest time!) and integrating technical and artistic aspects of interpretation, and how to do all this while HAVING FUN! Many thanks to Professors Paulo Martins, Jorge Nunes and Margarida Quítalo for the chance to go visit Palmela (gorgeous!) and have a terrific weekend of flute-playing. Outside students also welcome!
In February I’ll also be in Paris and in Porto, but that’s another blog entry! Below, a photo of my fantastic colleagues of Musicâmara; we’ve just kicked off the new season with a program around Beethoven in stunning Vila Real, which will later travel to Cascais and Faro and elsewhere—stay tuned (got the pun?)!
Musicâmara musicians—program with Beethoven, Spohr, and Bomtempo