We've arrived! Smooth flights, friendly passengers next to us, even sleep on the plane! Delhi is recovering from the smoke-out much in the news last week, and we (wind players!) are grateful!
So far, the most striking thing is the kindness and competence of the people here—having had our luggage miss the connection in Heathrow, our first task was to get that sorted out. Helpful people at every step, most appreciated. We're acclimating in a gorgeous hotel and that helps, too, but it is clear that courtesy is common currency here.
Along these lines, I've learned that "namaste" is not a greeting for yoga classes only! The word, palms-together and slight bow greeting is the norm here for everyday use—a beautiful gesture which colors one's experience immediately. For the rest, some photos from the first day: colorful contrasts!
Syrinx : XXII colleague António Carrilho at the beautiful airport in Delhi, India
One of many different modes of transport in Delhi — great colors!
A healthy "mocktail" with ginger, raspberry and lime—cheers!
Refreshing cucumber drink, a great cure for traveler's dehydration!
Syrinx : XXII Reunited on a new/old continent!