I’m an endlessly curious tea-drinking polymath who, after decades in the music biz,is still busy trying new things, new ways of playing on every flute I can get my hands on, composing, writing, and making art and videos. There aren’t enough hours in the day!
“You are the true artist.”
Click below about concerts or collaboration
My story
Growing up in a family of artists, I fell in love with classical music, but have always identified with the individuality and protagonism of writers, visual artists, and the “golden age” singer-songwriters of my youth. With this art-steeped background and a liberal arts education as a foundation, my various passions—the flute, composition, art, languages, writing, psychology, Zen philosophy and aesthetics—have woven together into… a life in music.
Career highlights include premiering over a hundred new works, holding a Principal Flute position for 25 years, performing under Leonard Bernstein at Tanglewood, studying independently in Europe as a Watson Fellow, teaching two generations of talented flutists, and concertizing with amazing colleagues in the US, Europe, and India.
I live in beautiful Lisbon, Portugal, with my daughter and our quirky, piccolo-loving Weimaraner.
What matters to me
I believe the arts are important—especially in times such as these.
I belive that we can have fun while we’re doing the work, the teaching, the learning.
I believe the sky’s the limit in terms of human imagination and creativity.
I believe we can tap into an inexhaustible source of creative energy when we give ourselves permission to explore and experiment.
I believe that music’s meanings are open-ended, and that its infinite combinations of rhythm, melody, and harmony have a unique power to transform us and heal the soul.
My newsletter
Monthly outside-the-box musings on music, art, creativity, learning, and living the examined life. Only fun stuff—no junk, no spam, and absolutely no AI. To receive your copy, just fill out the form below
“In the American flutist Katharine Rawdon we have an incomparable sound, rich and sensual, achieving on the alto flute a rare depth and expressivity, and even on the piccolo achieving the most versatile and malleable exploitation of the instrument”
Muse * Spark
I’ve noticed a lot of people don’t manage to write, make art, music, or crafts even though they really want to. They are blocked, frustrated, or can’t figure out where to start.
If that’s you, I’ve got solutions, and you can learn all about it by clicking the button below
“You have found more music in two notes than I ever thought possible—let’s play it!”
Teaching is a creative act requiring spontaneity and flexibility while recognizing the uniqueness of each student.
Students benefit from my decades of performing and teaching and my ongoing study of bodywork, the neuroscience of learning, Alexander Technique, and Integrated Practice. I have at my disposal an unlimited array of strategies, tools, games, and experiments I am eager to share, always with a giant dose of compassion and fun.
In master classes across Portugal and in the United States, I address issues such as:
effective and enjoyable practicing
the physicality of flute playing
integrating expression and “technique”
performance preparation
orchestra audition preparation
At ESART (Escola Superior de Artes Aplicadas, Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco), I have taught undergrad and Masters students since 2009. The class is one of the most competitive in the school and my former students are employed as orchestral, chamber, and solo flutists, as conductors, and as teachers and directors in conservatories throughout Portugal.
“Thank for a fabulous masterclass yesterday!
You really gear your teaching to the level & age of the student so nicely! Have heard from all students and they had a great time. Plus, the improvement was very easy to hear.”
“You have this capacity to communicate so efficiently and pragmatically, with clarity, humor, imagination, lightness, creativity and competency (and much more…)”
If you are interested in studying with me privately or at ESART, or in setting up a masterclass, click below
“Piping, she dances down
Esplanades of air —
Lords and Ladies of France
Whirl with her there
And I am fallen into wondrous trances
Longing to follow, follow —